Either way, so good and a quick no fuss kinda food choice!
Artichokes are rich in Vitamin K, C, folate, and magnesium and phosphorus. They also are one of the richest sources of antioxidants you can get in a veggie and full of fiber.
Fun Fact: Did you know Artichokes belong to the thistle Family? They are also great in Flower Arrangements because they start to bloom in a beautiful bluish purple color if you purchase them and let them sit long enough.
They are easy to prepare and to enjoy best with an aioli or melted butter.
So here is how you prepare them:
Cut off the upper leaves so you have a flat surface, sprinkle with lemon juice so they don't turn brown.
Then add to a pot with saltwater, add more sliced lemons and bring to a boil until leaves are easily pulled off (about 30 minutes).
Serve warm on a platter.
Be aware that when you strip each leave, you will eventually come to the middle of the artichoke where the hairy part is, do not eat that part (its the flower that blooms purple if you'd let it grow). But if you take the hair off, you will get to the heart of the artichoke, a plate like surface that is super tender and tasty.
Alternatively, you can also take out the hairy part in the middle before cooking, by scooping it out.
...is basically a home made mayonnaise with garlic.
Here is my recipe:
In a food processor add
2 egg yolks
1-2 cloves or garlic
1 teaspoon of salt (or more later to taste)
Juice of 1 lemon
start the food processor to mix up these ingredients.
slowly drizzle in a mild olive oil or, I prefer mostly, a mild Avocado oil.
You need to go slow in this process because the mixture will curdle if you don't wait for the oil and other ingredients to mix together. So 'slow and steady' is the slogan here.
I add about a cup or so of oil...you will get a nice jar full of mayo this way (about 450g or so).
Once done, add salt and more lemon juice to taste and blend once more.
The texture should be creamy and a nice pale yellow color and taste delicious.